How Social Media is Reshaping Divorce
Over the past decade, social media has grown to permeate all aspects of daily life. Increasingly, that includes the realm of divorce. Posts, tweets, and other activities on a range of social media platforms are impacting divorce cases in Los Angeles and throughout the country. As attorneys specializing in Los Angeles divorce cases, we see the […]
MoreWhen Child Custody Goes International
Conflicts over child custody in a divorce are hard enough when the parties live near each other. When the separating spouses live primarily in two different countries, however, things can become much more complicated in a hurry. If you need help with child custody matters, call Berenji & Associates Divorce Lawyers today for a case […]
MoreHow to Manage a Small Business Through Divorce
Any entrepreneur knows the work, time, and money that goes into building a successful business. That is why the fate of a small business is of primary concern to those going through a divorce. Business owners must take special care to avoid the possibility of any conflicts or disputes disrupting the flow of daily operations. […]
MorePrenups: Not Just for the Rich and Famous
Marriage is a contract, and like any contract, it helps to know the terms and conditions before signing the dotted line. That is where a prenuptial agreement, or a “prenup,” comes in. This document clearly dictates how property will be distributed upon the death of a spouse (in lieu of a will or trust) or […]
MoreCalifornia Spouses Fight Alimony Payments
A recent CBS Los Angeles story highlights a controversial issue in California divorce law: Spousal support, otherwise known as alimony. After a long legal battle over alimony payments, a divorced Huntington Beach man founded, an organization with the sole aim of ending spousal support in California.