At Berenji & Associates Divorce Lawyers we handle all family law related matters. Our dedicated family law attorneys have put together a frequently asked question library to assist you. If you need assistance, call today to speak with a divorce lawyer.


What Are the Pros and Cons of Representing Yourself in Family Court?

Family court cases in Los Angeles can involve a variety of issues. Our Los Angeles family law attorneys handle cases involving, but not limited to…

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What Is a Bifurcated Divorce in California?

When two spouses seeking separation agree on all terms, the resulting uncontested divorce can be completed in just over six months. However, receiving a final divorce decree could take longer if the court has a heavy caseload…

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What Does Child Support Cover in Beverly Hills?

Money is often a source of strife and argument in a relationship. Spouses and partners disagree on how they should use their money. Regardless of their disagreements about money, parents have a legal obligation to provide for their children’s care and financial needs…

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What’s the Difference Between Legal Custody and Physical Custody?

The topic of legal custody and physical custody can be a bit confusing for many people in California. Legal custody refers to the rights and responsibilities that parents have regarding major decisions about their children’s lives, such as healthcare and education…

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What Is A Custodial Parent?

A custodial parent is a parent who has been awarded sole or primary physical custody of a child by a court of law. This means that the child will live with the custodial parent most of the time…

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What Happens if a Spouse Refuses to Sign the Divorce Papers?
Some states require a spouse to prove fault to obtain a divorce. California is a no-fault state for divorce cases. You do not need to prove your spouse committed any wrongdoing, such as adultery or domestic violence, to obtain a divorce…

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Can I Stop A Divorce If The Paperwork Has Already Been Filed?
No one enters into a marriage thinking that they will one day get divorced, but unfortunately, it happens all too often. Yet sometimes, you may find yourself wanting to put a stop to the divorce process…

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Los Angeles Family Courts
The Superior Court for Los Angeles County has many divisions. One of these divisions is called the Family Law Division. The Family Law Division consists of judges experienced in family law who hear cases in that one field…

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Attorney’s Fees – Need Based
Under the California Family Law Code and California Code of Civil Procedure, there several mechanisms by which a family law court litigant can seek attorney fees and costs….

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Marriage, Divorce, and Immigration FAQ
If you are not yet a citizen or do not yet have Legal Permanent Resident status in the United States, you can gain legal status through marriage…

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Modification of Child Support FAQs
Child-support orders are not final. If you’ve had a change in circumstances or a change in custody, you can seek modification of child support. At Berenji & Associates Divorce Lawyers, our family law and divorce attorneys are highly-experienced in both…

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