Limitations on Spousal Privilege in California

Hossein Berenji, Aug 16, 2022

Spouses have the right to refuse to testify against one another in many court proceedings. This right is long held but not absolute. If you’re facing certain legal matters, you may have questions about the spousal privilege and how it might apply to your situation. You can get personalized answers from a trusted family law […]


Is There Common Law Marriage in California?

Hossein Berenji, Aug 11, 2022

There is no common law marriage in CA. If you’re an unmarried couple living in Beverly Hills, there’s no California law that gives you marital rights. To take the next steps and figure out ways to protect yourself and your loved ones, speak with a family law attorney in Beverly Hills today. Rights for Unmarried […]


What Is a De Novo Hearing?

Hossein Berenji, Aug 03, 2022

De novo hearings are used in family court appeals and child support cases heard by a county child support commission. The Latin term “de novo” means “from the new.” It refers to a hearing in which another court or judge decides a case on the facts without deferring to the other court’s decision. De novo […]


Court-Ordered Rehab: 8 Facts You Need to Know

Hossein Berenji, Jul 06, 2022

Drug addiction is a severe problem throughout the United States. Families struggle with how to help their loved ones overcome drug abuse and addiction. Drug testing is often an issue in child custody cases. Many states have laws that permit the court to order someone to undergo evaluation for drug addiction without their consent. Court-ordered […]


What Is a Minute Order?

Hossein Berenji, Jun 01, 2022

A minute order is a fancy legal term for describing a court’s answer to a party’s motion. Sometimes minute orders are even issued while you’re in the courtroom. Often prepared by the judge’s clerk, they’re usually extremely brief, simply approving or denying a motion made by either party. Minute orders do not have to be […]
