Safety Tips To Take My Children To The Angels Flight Railway In Los Angeles, CA?
Running a distance of just over 300 feet, Angel’s Flight in downtown Los Angeles has been dubbed the world’s shortest incorporated railway. Its unique nature makes it a popular attraction that delights young and old alike. Its counterbalanced funicular cars, Olivet and Siani, take visitors from Hill Street to Grand Avenue and back again in less than a minute.
However, despite its short length, Angels Flight has experienced its share of troubles since opening in 1901. And even in more recent years, the railway has been closed for repairs and improvements.
Though the line has now been operating without much worry, if you intend to take your child to ride the Angels Flight Railway, it is undoubtedly best to do so after understanding the safety risks involved.
Before you take a young child to ride Angels Flight, teaching them to follow the rules and insisting they are followed can help prevent your child from suffering a needless injury on what should otherwise be a memorable and unique experience.
Rule 1: Listen To You and Adults Running The Railway
First, emphasize the importance of listening to your instructions and those of the Railway’s staff. The Railway itself and the surrounding area are often noisy and busy, which means that in the event of an emergency, your child’s safety can depend on their ability to hear and follow the directions of those in authority.
Rule 2. Stay Within The Railcar While It Is Moving
Even though it is a very short ride, your child may be excited to catch glimpses of the surrounding area from the unique perspective that Angels Flight Railway offers. Remind them to keep their hands, feet, and body within the railcar at all times, whether it is moving or not. They should not stick any part of their body out of a window or doorway for any reason.
Rule 3. Remain In Designated Walkways and Areas
Similarly, discourage your child from climbing over railings and venturing into areas clearly designated as off-limits to visitors, such as on or near the tracks. If your child is not sure whether they are permitted in a certain area, explain that it is best to ask either you or a Railway employee.
What To Do In The Event of an Injury
Staying safe while riding Angels Flight Railway also involves knowing what to do if you or your child do end up suffering an injury.
In such a scenario, you should do the following:
- Immediately notify a Railway employee
- Focus on obtaining treatment for the injury, going to the nearest emergency room if necessary.
- Refrain from attempting any high-risk rescue, as this may endanger you and create an even more dire situation
- Take photographs of the accident scene, if possible
Railway staff may attempt to interview you about the accident and get you to sign a waiver of liability. Only share as much information about the accident and your injuries as you need to obtain assistance. Do not agree to give a recorded or written statement without having your attorney present.
In a similar sense, do not sign any document after an accident. Inform the employee you will need time to review it before doing so, and then consult with your attorney about the document to determine what you should do.
Simple Precautions Can Make Your Angels Flight Railway Trip Memorable
By going over basic safety rules before your trip on the Angels Flight Railway, both you and your child can be confident that your experience will be positive and memorable. Should an emergency arise, these safety measures will assist you or your child in getting the emergency and medical assistance you need while also protecting your legal rights. You should also consult an attorney as soon as possible if an emergency arises during a trip to Angels Flight Railway.
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